Lot 30 | 9 July 2023



LOT 30


B. Singapore ,1943

Singapore River with Two Boats, 1979

Watercolour and gouache on paper

26.5 x 26.5 cm

Private Collection, Australia

Signed and dated on lower right

RM 7,500 – 15,000

As a pragmatist, Ang believed that to be a professional artist in Singapore, he had to produce paintings that were commercially viable. He therefore made the Singapore River and Chinatown the foci of his paintings. He dabbled in both watercolour and oil and was able to merge his pragmatic, economic instincts with a keen sense of aesthetics. He also subscribed to a distinctive painting strategy inspired by English painter William Turner: Ang would isolate the landmark, record it in sketches on location, then develop it into a painting in the studio. In 1976, having painted all the prominent local landmarks, Ang embarked on a painting trip to Bali, which proved to be a turning point for his creativity. The lush Balinese landscape greatly contrasted with Singapore’s and prompted him to explore other parts of Asia. He went to Malacca, Bangkok, Delhi, Hong Kong and other cities to derive inspiration for his paintings.