LOT 18
B. Johor, 1950
Siri Ombak – Gelugor, 2009
Oil on jute
152 x 168 cm
Private Collection, Kuala Lumpur
Signed “Yusof Ghani ‘09” on lower right. Illustrated on page 120 of the Ombak – Breath of Life, Yusof Ghani book published by Bank Negara Malaysia in 2014
RM 60,000 – 100,000
Yusof Ghani was born in 1950 in Johor and used to frequent a small movie theatre as a young boy, where he developed a predisposition towards painting. He received a scholarship to study art at George Mason University, USA, where he studied Graphic Art and proceeded to pursue his Master’s in Fine Art at Catholic University, Washington. Upon returning to Malaysia, he began lecturing in Universiti MARA Institute of Technology. Most notably known for Abstract Expressionism, his other popular series are Tari, Topeng, Wayang, Segerak and Biring.
The creative process in Ombak encompasses three principal thematic phases, namely: destruction, humanity and awakening. These three phases put forth a collection of strong, bold and impressive artworks as can be seen in “Gelugor”. In this kind of creative process, Yusof is indirectly interpreting the nature of human and life. As the Malay proverb goes, “kalau takut dilambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepi pantai”: if we desire awakening and change, then we must be willing to confront challenges and suffering and not be afraid to attempt difficult tasks.