LOT 41
B. Melaka, 1955
Ocean Red Sky…Shadow Dance, 1999
Signed “Ismail Latiff” on lower middle
Acrylic on paper
76 x 56 cm
Provenance Private Collection, Kuala Lumpur
RM 4,000 – RM 7,000
There is an intensity in this work brought to life by the use of red to strike right into the hearts of it’s viewers. In this piece, Ismail Latiff kept his usual calm blues hues away with a gorgeous red hue, depicting a glorious sunset that lasts but a moment before disappearing into the horizon. The faint circle of balance poses as the sun here, as Ismail captures one of the most amazing views.
Ismail Latiff is a Melaka-born artist who trained formally in arts at MARA Institute of Technology. His artworks of both the mystical and abstract kind are known locally and internationally. Having started off his career in advertising before switching to fine arts, his philosophy of life and work is “Art is Life and one of the best introduction to art is Nature.”